(Short Film)
Seen explores how we define ourselves as reflected in the eye of the "other." Inspired by the Japanese manga, Kuruoshii Tsukiboshi (The Crazy Moon and Stars) by Moto Hagio, Seen is the story of a young dancer - Rei, who ruminates his own existence until he catches Ari, secretly taking photos of him. Their unlikely friendship allows Rei to see himself for the first time until Ari's sudden success takes his gaze away from him and toward vain model, May. Shot primarily on a green screen stage, most scenes were either computer generated or shot on location with the camera locked off. This was to emulate the nautre of still photography and enhance Rei’s sense of entrapment.
(Short Film)
Seen explores how we define ourselves as reflected in the eye of the "other." Inspired by the Japanese manga, Kuruoshii Tsukiboshi (The Crazy Moon and Stars) by Moto Hagio, Seen is the story of a young dancer - Rei, who ruminates his own existence until he catches Ari, secretly taking photos of him. Their unlikely friendship allows Rei to see himself for the first time until Ari's sudden success takes his gaze away from him and toward vain model, May. Shot primarily on a green screen stage, most scenes were either computer generated or shot on location with the camera locked off. This was to emulate the nautre of still photography and enhance Rei’s sense of entrapment.